Census of Foreign Capital in Brazil

Census of Foreign Capital in Brazil

The Brazilian Central Bank performs, based on the terms of Law No. 4,131 of September 3, 1962 and Central Bank Circular No. 3,795 of June 16, 2016, a Census of Foreign Capital in Brazil and the deadline for submitting declarations regarding the 2021 Quinquennial Census - base date 2020, will start on July 1st and will end on August 16, 2021.

Legal entities headquartered in Brazil, with direct investment of non-residents in their capital stock, in any amount, as of December 31, 2020, are required to report to the Quinquennial Census, among other entities that are also required to duly report on this Census.

We remind our clients that, in case of non-presentation of a declaration, the untimely presentation or the presentation with incomplete or false information, the Central Bank may impose fines of up to R$250,000.00 pursuant to Central Bank Circular No. 3,857, of November 14, 2017.

We remain available to fully assist you in this process.